Monday, October 03, 2011

Could do better.

  • Bust - 38 inches
  • Waist - 37 inches
  • Hips - 40 inches
  • Thigh - 23 inches
  • Upper arm - 13 inches
This week has been a bad week. I didn't think I had eaten any worse than usual, but the results clearly speak for themselves. I'm not going to beat myself up about this, as I haven't had the best week in terms of where my head has been at, but I'm not hiding behind that as an excuse. I have to try harder. Just because I'm feeling down for whatever reason, comfort eating will never be a good thing.
I won't be going to the gym today, due to only get 3 hours kip last night and I am knackered, I just don't have the energy. But tomorrow, I plan on getting up early, before the kids (Ha, we'll see.) and working out, doing this programme that a friend of mine has done for me. Then going to the gym once the kids have gone to school. I'm also going to get my PT at the gym to do me a new programme, getting a bit bored of the one I'm doing and one of the machines, I absolutely hate. I don't put any effort into it and sometimes avoid it altogether. Think it might be better to avoid it until I'm fitter maybe. 
On top of that, I'm going to be way more rigorous about my diet. I cant really afford to buy loads of food right now anyways! Which is a good thing for me. But yeah, I am going to summon all of my willpower and put it all into eating right.
That is going to be my main goal this week, eating properly. I'm going to start reading Jason Vales juice book too. Ive threatened to try it for years, may as well give it a go. 
Wish me luck, again!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Small steps

  • Bust - 37 inches
  • Waist - 36.5 inches
  • Hips - 40.5 inches
  • Upper arm - 13 inches
  • Thigh - 23 inches
  • Weight - 81.6kg/12.8 stone (*edit)
Ive done it again. Ive managed to lose an inch or so. This is slightly blighted by the fact that I appear to have put on an inch round my hips, but weight shifts or something right? I haven't been to the gym yet today so haven't weighed myself. That will be edited in shortly.
I've pretty recently discovered the awesome website/magazine that is Mens Health. Now, I am fully aware that this website is aimed at blokes, but the womens equivalent just isn't as good in my opinion. Its so, well, girly! I want muscles, not massive body builder type muscles, but I want to be a bit more than just toned. I want my abs back. I want to see muscle definition. Like I say, I don't want to be some big muscly blokey looking type but I want more than just thin. 
Ive never been skinny, except when I was a kid, I was always athletic. Yeah I was thin, and I was fit, but no way could you have said I was skinny. I didn't want all my bones sticking out, that isn't pretty, Ive never wanted that.
So, now we have established what the body type is that I am after, we can get on with it. And I do say we, as you are supporting me and helping me to achieve what it is I want. And I want to thank you for that.
Anyone that reads this, that comments, that 'tweets' me or says something face to face, I want to thank you. Because you're all helping me along my little journey.
I will be going to the gym shortly, where I take my personalised workout and whack it up a few notches. Ive been running more, the PT said running isn't that good but the fast walking doesn't get my heart rate up like I want it to. And if I don't feel like the workout is helping me, then I wont put as much effort into it. Which sounds weird I know. Actually, its probably about time I get the PT to sort me a new one. I must remember to ask that. 
Enough of thinking out loud. I have a day away from the kids today and I have shitloads to do. First and foremost, the gym. 
Wish me a good workout kids!

(*edit - I added in my current weight too.)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


  • Bust - 37 inches
  • Waist - 38 inches
  • Hips - 39.5 inches
  • Upper arm - 13 inches
  • Thigh - 24 inches
So. There we go. Ive lost 4 inches all over. Ive been to the gym twice, (possibly only once I cant remember) and Ive lost 4 inches. I haven't weighed myself as I'm not in the gym until tomorrow and that is where the scales are. I don't want scales in my house as would weigh myself at least twice a day and despair that the number was fluctuating so much. 
So, now I know just how much lack of routine due to school holidays (and probably other stuff) affects me and my health. And I will prepare appropriately next time. (Maybe. Probably not.)
This does, however, give me inspiration to push on. The amount of weight I had put on had really brought me down, but now I know that a lot of it must have been to do with the lack of routine, it'll be easier for me to get back into it. I mean, thinking about it, I walk at least 3 times a day to drop off and pick up kids when they're at school, every week day. Its not far but it makes me get up and move about. In the holidays there would be days when we didn't go out due to weather or other things. Holidays make me lazy(er).
I think Ive been making more of an effort on the food side as well. I find this part really difficult. If I had a chef that would put meals in front of me and be like, 'Eat that, eat this' at regular times, Id be laughing. But I don't. And I have to discipline myself. And I'm the ONLY one that can. Hell, Ive had Ben & Jerrys in the freezer for over a week! This must be progress.
So yeah, back at the gym again tomorrow. Have to take my bike in to have the puncture repaired. Going to get panniers fitted in a week or so, then I can use it to go and do my shopping as well. Might even get a basket. Baskets are cool.
It seems this week is being a good week. I am going to try and keep it going. 
This is a good sign.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 1. Again.

  • Bust - 38.5 inches
  • Waist - 39 inches
  • Hips - 41 inches
  • Thigh - 25 inches
  • Upper arm - 13 inches
  • Weight - 82kg / 13 stone
So there we have it. Guess who majorly failed over the summer holidays? Yep, me. 
At the moment, I weigh the most that I think I ever have. Including pregnancies. 
At the moment, I actually disgust myself. I'm not saying that so people will say 'Oh you're not that bad' etc. I'm saying that because its truth, pure and simple. As I write this, I have just finished double fried eggs on toast and now I just feel fat.
I know this was meant to be all about my new start, and I guess it is. Except its new start round 2. 
As of tomorrow (because today is my sons birthday and I'm taking him to McDonalds so saying I'll start today would be, well, ridiculous) I am going to be the picture of health. I'm going to eat properly and regularly. At the moment I survive on coffee until at least lunchtime, then eat a big meal because I say its breakfast and lunch in one.
I have excuse after excuse of why I eat what I do. And always justify it to myself with a 'Oh its just this once', or 'Its not that bad'. But the only person that I fool, and I don't really, is myself.
Like I have said, this healthier way of life is not for anyone but me. I'm not doing this to get a man or to even attract their attention (although it would be nice as a 'side-effect'!), I'm doing this solely for me. Well, maybe a little bit for the kids because they will benefit when I can run further than 50 yards without dying! But mostly for me.
I have no excuse with the kids being at school now. I can go to the gym, I can cycle, I have roller boots there ffs, I can do that too. And now I'm wanting to take photos of EVERYthing, I can incorporate that into my cycling and walking.
And when I waiver, because I will, I will remind myself of how I felt when I stood on the scales and was horrified at the number. I want to be fit. I want to be athletic. I want to be healthy.
I think I may have finally run out of excuses to myself. 

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Latest update!

So it seems I haven't posted for over 4 weeks. I must apologise for that but there were reasons beyond my control! Firstly, Blogger was playing up and wouldn't let me write anything, never mind publish it, but I fixed all that and that's all sorted. Secondly, I just didn't have my blogging mojo as I haven't posted anywhere for a good while. But we're all back on track now and I'm here.
Now, I have news. A week and a half ago brought the end to my '6 Week Empowerment Programme' at my gym. I wasn't sure if I said what that is, but I checked and I didn't. So, when I joined my gym, I signed up for this programme that basically promises results, or you get your money back. You have a chat with one of the Personal Trainers to start with, they assess you and you talk about the results that you want to achieve in those 6 weeks. Then each week you have a meeting/session with a PT, first is to go through your programme that they have personalised for you, switching exercises if not suitable and making sure you're doing them properly etc, other meetings include talking about your diet and nutrition, about your mental focus and direction. There's an assessment halfway through to make sure you're following the programme properly and that you're happy with it etc and then of course there is the final evaluation where they again take your weight and measurements and compare them to the original ones that were taken at the first meeting.
I went through the programme pretty happy with everything. My diet wasn't the best but that was purely my fault, the PT talked through nutrition etc with me and I already know whats good and what isn't so I could have done better than I did, but saying that I was more than pleased with my results. I don't know what my start measurements were but what I had lost surprised me greatly:

  • 2.5kg
  • 1 inch off my waist
  • 2.5 inches off my hips
  • 3 inches off my thighs
I was literally like 'NO WAY!!' each time she took the measurements. I know Id lost a bit because of my measurements I was doing myself but these were official! And on top of that, I just feel generally fitter. The first PT session that absolutely killed me in the beginning, after 6 weeks, I had upped the weights by around 10kgs and was on the cardio machines for longer without it tiring me out so much. My diet is also changing as I have come to realise how important it is, not just for weight loss but for the energy I need to do this exercise in the first place.
I went to the gym yesterday and was awarded with my certificate which says that I passed the Empowerment Programme. Its a bit cheesy but dammit, I'm proud of myself! They also gave us vouchers for a few local restaurants, 10% off meals etc. Made me laugh because its like, nice one for getting thinner, now get fat again so we can do this all over again! Its appreciated tho for sure.
My programme has now been switched up again and dammit its hard! This one seems more weight based than cardio and my muscles can definitely feel it. I love it though, so much.
Yesterday I had to pick a few things up from the Strand which is about 2.5 miles away, I usually get the train and as it was raining, thought I might still. Then I was like, fuck it, I have a bike there and that's free! So I decided to cycle. I have to be honest, it took me longer than i thought it would as I decided to take the back route and I got a bit confused as to which way to go (despite the main road being basically a straight run!) and it was difficult with the wind and rain, but with my 'roundabout' route I cycled around 6.3 miles altogether. Locked my bike up, whizzed round the shops and got everything I needed then cycled home. Dropped my stuff off and headed straight to the gym, I figured I was already warmed up so I may as well! I reckon I burned off a LOT of calories yesterday!
I was also pleased as I weighed myself Wednesday after my indulgent birthday weekend (yes, I'm now 31, shhhh.) and I had put on a bit but was ok with it. I also weighed myself yesterday and had managed to lose 1.1kg in two days so I am back on track baby!
The girls are on school holidays now and the boy will be finished in a couple weeks, I want to make the most of it and take them out places. Swimming, walking and generally playing. Lots of outdoors and running around if the weather plays nice. Or jumping in muddy puddles if it doesn't!
And of course, the gym. I fricking love the gym! (The 25% off at the Costa doesn't go amiss either!)
I'm gonna do this. I actually believe in myself for once.
Its a nice feeling.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Measurements: Week 4

  • Bust - 37 inches
  • Waist - 37 inches
  • Hips - 40.5 inches
  • Thigh - 25 inches
I have to say, I'm not very happy about this. Yes Ive lost inches and that's great, but Ive also put on half an inch around my waist. This, I think, will give me huge push to get the diet side of this going properly. I have half-heartedly tried to eat better, but Ive come up with excuse after excuse why I haven't been. No time to shop, not enough money, no time to cook properly etc. How long does it take to make a salad ffs? Or a veg stir fry? I am my own worst enemy when it comes to things like this. I have an excuse for everything.
What I'm trying to do now, wait - not trying - what I will do from now on is to meal plan. Ive always tried to do it for a whole week and I fail after day 2 because I haven't got the right ingredients or whatever. What Ive done, and will do, is to meal plan for two to three days in advance. Using food I already have, or main parts that I have, and getting the little bits each morning. Its not like I don't walk past the Iceland, the Co-op and the fruit and veg shop every damn day! So there is my next step. Meal plan, and hit the diet side hard. I want to lose weight, not redistribute it to the area where I want it the least!
The exercise side is going pretty well. Ive been to the gym a few times since I last posted. Time before last I had to up my lat pulldown reps to 3 x 12, pulling 25kg (I think, it may be 32kg). And my leg press weights have now gone up to 52kg, I guess my lower body strength is much more than my upper body! But also my legs are used to carrying round an extra few stone an all. Unfortunately I haven't been out on my bike for a few weeks. I'm hoping to remedy that this weekend. I love the gym and I really enjoy going but I have to keep it mixed up. And I have my roller boots, that I forget I own. I got them for Christmas and haven't been out once yet. I think if I get out this weekend, or in the week for that matter, I'm going to take my skates with me and stop off for ten minutes in a nice secluded area! Until I get the hang of them again, there's no way I'm going out in public!
There, plan 2. I'm going to leave it at that. We all know how much I hate organising so don't want to frighten myself by having too many plans in place at once!
Overall, I'm quite pleased with my progress but I now know that I have a lot more to push for, I know I was taking this slowly, but any more slowly and Ill start to go backwards! I do have an idea why my waist measurement is high, and I hope it is that, I wont go into detail of course, just keep my fingers crossed!
So, that's my week. Nothing too exciting done. But I know what I have to work on. Looks like this blog was a good idea, at least for me!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Measurements: Week 3

Measurements this week. I did take them on Friday, should have been Thursday but I forgot! So, here we go:
  • Bust - 39 inches
  • Waist - 36.5 inches
  • Hips - 41.5 inches
  • Thigh - 25 inches
To say Im pleased is a massive understatement! Thats what, 5 inches altogether? In a week. So, if I carry on like this, Ill be a skinny by my birthday. (5 weeks yesterday, if you didnt know!)
So now, to the food. If I can back this up by eating a hell of a lot more healthy then the weight is just going to fall off right?
Happy Steph for sure.

Slowly, slowly ...

Guess whos healthy eating hasnt gone as planned? Oh yes. I have failed already! Not letting it put me off though. I think Im slowly making progress. Ive started with portion sizes. Although the actual diet hasnt been much different, the amount I have actually been eating has diminished. Had pie and mash the other day (I know.) and couldnt even eat the whole pie. A Hollands pie, and I had to throw it away! Part of me was gutted but part of me actually felt quite good about it. So yeah, whats the saying? Slowly slowly catchy monkey? What does that even mean? Seems appropriate though so Im going with it.
So, Ive been to the gym twice since I last posted. I must admit I was really quite nervous the first time I went back considering how much it actually knocked me after the first time. So I did all my stretches & made sure I was fully warmed up. I started on the cross-trainer, which usually is a bit of a killer for my knees, and got going. I was on it for 4 minutes (7 altogether) and was like, why is this so easy? Finished the 7 minutes a little out of breath but nothing major. Next was the pull down thingie, lats I think, was hard but again nothing I couldnt do. And this went on thru each part of the equipment. Dont get me wrong, it was far from easy, but it was so much easier than the first time. After I was done, I did my cooling down and got on with my day. Little apprehensive as to how I was going to feel the next day considering last time, but I woke up, tentatively sat up, and was absolutely fine. Slightly stiff but nothing like the first time. I can only think that it was because I was ill last time. Was in bed for the day on the Sunday before I went. Muscles and joints aching like I'd been battered. Either way, it was awesome.
I've been to the gym once since, and even had to raise the weight level on the leg press coz it was far too easy. I'm immensely proud of myself!
I'm going to plan a detox this week, probably starting Thursday. I'll just do the day to start with, see how I go. My skin isn't too pretty at the minute and hopefully it'll give me a boost to get the healthier eating going a little better.
Like I said, I'll do this.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Trainer of evil!

Oops! Haven't posted for a week. Sorryyyyy. So, my first PT session did go well, but when I woke up the next day ... well, I felt like I had been hit by a train. My thighs and my ab/core muscles were ridiculously stiff. I'm not even exaggerating. I couldn't walk down the stairs properly, had to go one step at a time and go sideways. I couldn't stand up properly and stretching up to reach anything out of the cupboards was just not happening.
This carried on, only very gradually easing off, for the next 4 days. I'm not the kind of person that complains a lot, or that will 'indulge' in feeling ill or being in pain. I prefer to get on with things and ignore it, but I could not ignore this!
The first time I felt anything near normal was on Friday, that day I felt like I thought I would have done on Tuesday, the original day after the PT session. Unfortunately Ive not been able to get back to the gym since, although hopefully going tomorrow. So probably wont be able to move for another week after it!
As for the measurements this week, I didn't forget to do them but they're exactly the same as last weeks. Haven't lost any inches but haven't gained any either. This doesn't surprise nor disappoint me as I haven't been able to do any exercise with not being able to move!
But as I am doing more physical activity, I am coming to realise that the diet side of it is a hell of a lot more important than I previously thought. I always figured that as long as I did the exercise, I could eat pretty much what I wanted. Now, this was true when I was 18 and was working 14 hour days in a very physical job, but clearly is not true now I'm 30 and exercising for about an hour, a few days a week!
So, food diary is going to be next, and then or at the same time, meal planning. I'm not going to be 100% strict because I know I wont stick to that. What I'm going to try and do is to be healthier for a couple of days a week and then build it up gradually. So it becomes almost like a habit and like a normal thing after a little while. If I try and change everything all at once then I know I wont stick to that either!
So, tomorrow is going to be my first healthy day. Starting with getting up at a decent hour (obviously, have kids I have to get to school anyways!) and having breakfast with a drink of hot lemon instead of coffee, tuna salad for lunch and jacket potato with beans and a side salad for tea. Going to find some healthy snacks to make too. And veg crudites. Also need to find a healthy dip too, coz we all know veg crudites are well boring on their own!
So, that's been my week. Nothing exciting really, just recovering enough to do it all again tomorrow!
Wish me luck.

Monday, May 16, 2011

My very own PT. Sort of.

So I had my first session with an actual personal trainer today. I had no idea what to expect, whether they were going to just gently talk me through each part of the equipment and see how much I could do or whether they were just going to throw me in at the deep and see what I could do.
They did the latter.
And it hurt. A lot.
I started on (what I think was) the cross-trainer. I had to do 5 minutes on that. Now, I know what you're thinking. '5 minutes? Pah, that's easy.' But believe me, it is not! I was knackered. The incline was altered so I was working more muscle groups and I couldn't let my rpm get underneath 120, I was averaging about 130 but it was tiring! After that I moved on to the 'lat pulldown machine' (or something), had to add to the weights too coz they were too light (I love that I'm still pretty strong, despite being a fatty!). Then it was ... cycling I think. Had to up the resistance slightly but its so not the same as cycling round the roads. Its harder! Which is weird, coz I thought with it being stationary, it'd be easier coz of no hills, stop/starts etc but nope, hurts more!
After that was bicep curls and dips, again, had to go for the slightly higher weights coz the lighter ones were too easy. (I may regret all of this tomorrow!) I think I may have hurt my wrist, but this happens a lot anyways, hope its gone again by Wed. Penultimate work was on the leg press and leg curl machines, I currently have a hot water bottle across my thighs so I'm guessing that suggests how that goes! Finished up on the treadmill. PT says 7 minutes walking to finish off, to which I think "Pah, is that it? I can do that no problem." Until he whacks the speed and the incline up. Walking is not easy when its constantly uphill and fast people!
But you know what? I loved it. I loved the little bit of praise I got from the PT when I told him the weights weren't enough, that it was too easy, coz he said people always tell him when its too heavy but never want to push themselves. I take pride in that sort of thing. I will push myself, I will try my hardest. And as much as it hurts, I'd do it all again tomorrow. Because after years of moaning and complaining about how much I hate my body, I'm finally doing something about it, and like I keep saying, I am going to do this.
No-one can do it for me. And clearly the time is now right.
Keep on supporting me people, it really does help me!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Official gym bunny.

So, I did it. I joined the gym. I went for my induction yesterday which consisted of signing stuff, filling out a health assessment form, having my measurements and weight recorded (Eek!) and getting shown how all the cardio machines work.
The place is small, but the people that work there actually seem genuinely interested in you, well, me. They're friendly and welcoming, which is a massive contrast to the only other gym that I have been a member of, where they showed me, vaguely, how the machines worked then left me to it. I ended up googling a lot and devising my own workout programme to follow. Needless to say I didn't go there for long.
My first proper workout appointment was meant to be happening right now, but it ended up that the kids stayed with me so I had to cancel it. Hopefully going to be able to reschedule tomorrow but I'm a little apprehensive to do so in case I get let down again. I don't want to mess them about, it should be ok ...
I asked the trainer about the running too. He said how he does very little running and not much cardio at all, tends to do more incline walking as that's a better fat burner (or something), he obviously knows what hes on about too, coz he is buff. He has these crazy big arms that I think I actually swooned over (secretly of course!) and you can see that he is tight. I never used to like muscly guys but seems my tastes they are a-changing! Purely for ogling purposes you understand.
In other news, I'm feeling kind of guilty coz Ive just eaten three pieces of thick toast with my beans. Best of Both stuff but still, I haven't had bread for a good few days, which to most people doesn't sound like much, but considering I could easily eat 6 pieces or more per day, then its a small victory. I'm not going to let it get me down though, Ill just be sure not to let it happen again.
I'm not going to become some sort of diet nazi like, far from it, but I clearly have to make more of an effort and exert more willpower. Which I can do. And stop linking my emotions to food, or at least using that as an excuse!
Like I said, I can do this.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Measurements: Week 2.

Well. I have just taken my measurements, I'll post them then discuss!
Bust - 40 inches
Waist - 38 inches
Hips - 42 inches
Thigh - 26 inches

As you can see I haven't really changed much but I'm absolutely ecstatic about that one inch. It proves that what I'm doing really is making a difference. Even if it is only a small one.
I'm not doing this for a quick change, this is a long-term, full lifestyle thing that I want to change. I don't just want to be skinny for summer, although that would be a bonus, I want to be skinny forever.
So if it takes 6 months, if it takes a year, it doesn't matter. As long as the results are coming in, and I'm not killing myself to get those results then I'm one happy bunny.
I made my decision about the gym too. I'm going to join. I've worked out the finances so I won't be struggling when I do join, I'm not being stupid, not point giving myself more stress. And I'm quite excited. I definitely feel that I'm properly ready this time.
I will do this.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Decisions ...

So Ive been thinking about joining a gym. And one has opened literally over the road from where I live. I went in today to ask about programmes and prices etc. Turns out they run this 6-week programme. Basically, you tell them what your goal is, and they help to get you there. One personal trainer session per week, they advise with nutrition too. You can go as often as you like. They do 'team-building' stuff too, like members nights out or bowling etc. All this for £30 per month.
I'd be a fool not to wouldn't I?

Sunday, May 08, 2011

7 Ways.

So I'm going to outline my plans and goals for this new healthy lifestyle. I found this website as I was googling and following links and ended up on a site called 'zenhabits', I again, followed a few links and found '7 ways to build the exercise habit' which looked like a good idea. So that is what I am going to do. Except for number 6 which is to find someone to exercise with. I think for the most part, I'm better exercising alone. I'm very competitive so always want to do better than my 'partner', and I tend to rub it in a little bit if I am better, and sulk if I'm not. I do compete against people that don't realise they're competing though. When I was swimming, I kept racing people even though they didn't know. It helped me push myself a little further though so that'll do.
Aaaaanyways, my 7 ways start with:

  1. Set Your Goal: My ultimate goal is to get a body similar to the one that I had when I had before the kids. Ive been told that my body has changed etc. etc. but that doesn't mean that i cant lose the weight and tone up.
    A more short term goal for me is to drop at least 2 dress sizes. I'm currently a size 16, so a size 12 and under would be awesome. I plan to do this in a healthy way though, using an improved diet and exercise. Never been on an actual diet in my life and I'm not about to start now.
  2. Set A Deadline: This is a difficult one. I don't have a deadline as such because I plan on this being a lifelong thing. But I guess if we're talking dress sizes, Id like to say by my birthday which is the 2nd of July.
  3. Make A Plan: Well, my plan is as Ive said earlier, healthy eating and exercise. So far I have been cycling a lot and that's pretty much it. My plan is to up the cycling, do more interval training and more distance work. I also want to start doing different types of exercise, more swimming and yoga and also start going to the gym again.
    As for the eating, I need to do some research into the right types of foods Ill need for the type of exercise and weight loss plan that I'm doing. I know whats healthy of course but I'm sure there's a better way of doing it.
  4. Exercise First Thing In The Morning: This is a difficult one. As the kids get up so flaming early as it is, it'd be hard to drag myself up any earlier. It would be nice to get a little yoga in before I get going though. Ill have a think about this one!
  5. Stick To Your Plan: This is going to be my most difficult step to carry out. I'm loving the cycling and the exercise but I know I'm easily distracted. I will need support and encouragement and would appreciate anyone reminding me why I'm doing this!
  6. Train With Someone Who Has The Exercise Habit: Yeah, like I said earlier, this one isn't applicable to me. I haven't found anyone that has the same sort of competitive spirit as I do so would be a waste of time trying.
  7. Be Confident: Apparently it takes 30 days to build the exercise habit. And if I had a regular week then maybe this would be true, but I feel that Ive picked up the habit already. I'm always itching (not literally) to get out on the bike whenever I have a free day. I feel my attitude has changed this time, like I'm actually going to do this. Basically, I'm fed up of being fat and unhealthy.
Bring it on.

Friday, May 06, 2011


I'm kind of knackered today, I'm putting my despondent mood down to that. Aside from my current mood, Ive had a fairly good day.
Dropped all the kids off at school, and they were getting picked up by someone else so I had a free day (until 3:30ish anyways). I decided to take myself off for breakfast, (which did happen to be a fry-up but it is Fryday ... *watches tumbleweed*) and then swimming. I had considered a yoga class as I have found out that there is one near me that runs open classes on a Friday morning, but I decided that I should get a little more fit and flexible before I attempt a class. But its good to know its there.
So, I defuzzed, wrestled my swimming costume on and cycled down to the baths, 1.63 miles apparently, according to Cyclemeter it took me and hour and 25 minutes but that was actually coz I forgot to hit stop, it really doesn't take me that long! So the water was a little cold but that spurred me on to get moving. Felt a bit of a twat stretching but Id rather that than pull a muscle again, the amount of times Ive pulled my adductors (one of them anyways!) whilst swimming is ridiculous. It was in between school kid time so was pretty quiet. Ended up swimming 34 lengths of the 25m pool, which Ive worked out to be just over half a mile. I was pretty impressed with myself. And it was hard! I always think of swimming as an easy thing, but a couple of times I was actually out of breath and my heart rate was up to 138 at one point, this is clearly something that I want to improve on.
Quick cuppa after I was done, then cycled home. I took the 'scenic' route which was basically 1 1/2 miles out of my way to make the route longer, ended up doing 3.07 miles, so about 4.7 miles altogether.
Not bad going considering a few weeks ago I was doing bugger all.
So yeah, that was my exercise for the day. I had planned on cycling a little further but tbh, I was tired! Apparently I've burned around 600 calories today so I think I've done enough.
Yoga tomorrow, a few rounds of sun salutation until my muscles burn should be enough for a 'rest' day.

Thursday, May 05, 2011


Exercise for today has consisted of about 40 minutes cycling at various paces. Averaging around 10mph. It was bloody hard going cycling into the wind at times. Ended up going about 6.3 miles, which was taking me an hour a few weeks ago, so my fitness is already on the up.
I'm getting a bit bored of cycling around where I live tho so will have to start going for a specific goal instead of just riding around aimlessly.
That's tomorrows job!

Weight loss and healthy eating lifestyle change type thing.

  • Bust - 40 inches
  • Waist - 38 inches
  • Hips - 42 inches
  • Thigh - 27 inches
Yikes. Its kind of scary and real when I write it down like that. My thigh measurement is the same as my waist used to be when I was younger.
So, what I'm planning on doing, is writing this weight loss down so its there in front of me in black and white (or whatever colour I choose for my font!) Ive made a bit of a vague start as I'm cycling as often as I can now. But if I'm not backing it up with eating more healthily then its basically a waste of time.
I'm going to record my measurements weekly and will add in weight whenever I can. I don't have a working set of scales at the moment and tbh, I'm not sure I even want to know. I might put on some light clothing and go weigh myself in Boots.
I'm also going to record my exercise and possibly include a food diary too. I think if all this stuff is there, and I look at it every day then it will make a difference.
That's the idea anyways. Lots of encouragement and support would be greatly appreciated an all.
Wish me luck!