Sunday, May 08, 2011

7 Ways.

So I'm going to outline my plans and goals for this new healthy lifestyle. I found this website as I was googling and following links and ended up on a site called 'zenhabits', I again, followed a few links and found '7 ways to build the exercise habit' which looked like a good idea. So that is what I am going to do. Except for number 6 which is to find someone to exercise with. I think for the most part, I'm better exercising alone. I'm very competitive so always want to do better than my 'partner', and I tend to rub it in a little bit if I am better, and sulk if I'm not. I do compete against people that don't realise they're competing though. When I was swimming, I kept racing people even though they didn't know. It helped me push myself a little further though so that'll do.
Aaaaanyways, my 7 ways start with:

  1. Set Your Goal: My ultimate goal is to get a body similar to the one that I had when I had before the kids. Ive been told that my body has changed etc. etc. but that doesn't mean that i cant lose the weight and tone up.
    A more short term goal for me is to drop at least 2 dress sizes. I'm currently a size 16, so a size 12 and under would be awesome. I plan to do this in a healthy way though, using an improved diet and exercise. Never been on an actual diet in my life and I'm not about to start now.
  2. Set A Deadline: This is a difficult one. I don't have a deadline as such because I plan on this being a lifelong thing. But I guess if we're talking dress sizes, Id like to say by my birthday which is the 2nd of July.
  3. Make A Plan: Well, my plan is as Ive said earlier, healthy eating and exercise. So far I have been cycling a lot and that's pretty much it. My plan is to up the cycling, do more interval training and more distance work. I also want to start doing different types of exercise, more swimming and yoga and also start going to the gym again.
    As for the eating, I need to do some research into the right types of foods Ill need for the type of exercise and weight loss plan that I'm doing. I know whats healthy of course but I'm sure there's a better way of doing it.
  4. Exercise First Thing In The Morning: This is a difficult one. As the kids get up so flaming early as it is, it'd be hard to drag myself up any earlier. It would be nice to get a little yoga in before I get going though. Ill have a think about this one!
  5. Stick To Your Plan: This is going to be my most difficult step to carry out. I'm loving the cycling and the exercise but I know I'm easily distracted. I will need support and encouragement and would appreciate anyone reminding me why I'm doing this!
  6. Train With Someone Who Has The Exercise Habit: Yeah, like I said earlier, this one isn't applicable to me. I haven't found anyone that has the same sort of competitive spirit as I do so would be a waste of time trying.
  7. Be Confident: Apparently it takes 30 days to build the exercise habit. And if I had a regular week then maybe this would be true, but I feel that Ive picked up the habit already. I'm always itching (not literally) to get out on the bike whenever I have a free day. I feel my attitude has changed this time, like I'm actually going to do this. Basically, I'm fed up of being fat and unhealthy.
Bring it on.


Spangila said...

Good luck! I'm with you all the way

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty good plan!

I know you can do it, I believe in you! x

Steph said...

Thank you both. It does help to know that I have support! x