Saturday, May 14, 2011

Official gym bunny.

So, I did it. I joined the gym. I went for my induction yesterday which consisted of signing stuff, filling out a health assessment form, having my measurements and weight recorded (Eek!) and getting shown how all the cardio machines work.
The place is small, but the people that work there actually seem genuinely interested in you, well, me. They're friendly and welcoming, which is a massive contrast to the only other gym that I have been a member of, where they showed me, vaguely, how the machines worked then left me to it. I ended up googling a lot and devising my own workout programme to follow. Needless to say I didn't go there for long.
My first proper workout appointment was meant to be happening right now, but it ended up that the kids stayed with me so I had to cancel it. Hopefully going to be able to reschedule tomorrow but I'm a little apprehensive to do so in case I get let down again. I don't want to mess them about, it should be ok ...
I asked the trainer about the running too. He said how he does very little running and not much cardio at all, tends to do more incline walking as that's a better fat burner (or something), he obviously knows what hes on about too, coz he is buff. He has these crazy big arms that I think I actually swooned over (secretly of course!) and you can see that he is tight. I never used to like muscly guys but seems my tastes they are a-changing! Purely for ogling purposes you understand.
In other news, I'm feeling kind of guilty coz Ive just eaten three pieces of thick toast with my beans. Best of Both stuff but still, I haven't had bread for a good few days, which to most people doesn't sound like much, but considering I could easily eat 6 pieces or more per day, then its a small victory. I'm not going to let it get me down though, Ill just be sure not to let it happen again.
I'm not going to become some sort of diet nazi like, far from it, but I clearly have to make more of an effort and exert more willpower. Which I can do. And stop linking my emotions to food, or at least using that as an excuse!
Like I said, I can do this.

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