Monday, January 07, 2013

Naturally ..

So I appear to be having this natural, subconscious change in diet.
I'm hungry, and usually if I'm hungry I'll crave bread or biscuits or other generally pretty unhealthy foods. Except now I'm not. I'm craving salads and fruits and the thought of bread or cheese just makes me want to hurl.
Obviously this is a good thing, and I'm not really complaining, aside from the fact that I don't have any healthy foods in at the moment, (on account of a severe lack of cash) but I just find it quite bizarre that my body is actually helping me with the changes that I'm planning on making.
It kind of proves to me, that it is simply a case of mind over matter, and that I can do this again. And that I can do this easily.
Maybe this time I'll actually reach my goal.
Saying that, I haven't set one. That'll be today's plan then.

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