Sunday, February 02, 2014

Chinatown and celebrations

Second day of Fitbruary wasn't so great on the diet (when I say diet, I mean it in the original sense of the word, not a weight loss thing) front as I didn't really get a chance to eat all day. Started off with porridge and granary toast though so had a good base.
The reason the diet wasn't good though, was because I took my daughters to see the Chinese New Year celebrations in Chinatown in Liverpool town centre. We saw the lions and the dragons and heard the firecrackers, there were a LOT of firecrackers. Saw some old people do some tai chi (which cost me £2 to get into the place that they were doing it, and that was all that was in there, bloody fleeced I was!) and youngest rode on a train that went round in a circle for about three minutes (also £2, but she was happy so hey ho). We then headed to the museum and I basically spent the next 2 hours being bored to death, but again, the kids enjoyed it and that was the main thing. It was nice to spend some time with them, just us, not at home. It doesn't seem to happen all that often as they split their time between different parts of the family so it was a nice kind of bored.
I'm also putting day 2 of Fitbruary down as a success. Tomorrow will be gym time, possible bike ride and fabric hunting. I have a few ideas of things that I want to make so I want to crack on with those whilst the creative bug is biting.