Friday, February 01, 2013

First photo post of 2013

  • Bust - 36 inches
  • Waist - 33 inches
  • Hips - 37 inches
  • Thigh - 22.5 inches
  • Upper arm - 12 inches

So there we have it. This is my starting point. 
I've done my own personal comparisons to the last photo posts and if anything has changed, I think I may be slightly bigger but on the whole, its pretty much the same.
I've adopted today as my New Years day and have written January off as a false start, considering I've been ill for basically all of it. I've been on antibiotics for a few days now and I am feeling better, so I can put into practice all the plans that I had for January! I listed all these things in my 'New Year' post that I'm basically just going to copy and paste and add a couple of new ones: 
  • Take more photos - I have planned (yet another) 365 project, when I feel better though. (NOTE: Starting today.)
  • Drink less alcohol - There are so many other things that I could do instead.
  • Eat better food - Cook more. Its not like I don't have the books there!
  • Do more exercise - I can walk, run, skate. I should, while I can.
  • Spend more quality time with my monsters - I complain a lot, about all the things I can't do with them, I should concentrate on doing the things that I can.
  • Save up for a holiday - A girlie weekend away would be amazing.
  • Save up for a holiday mk.2 - I would love to take my monsters away for a week camping or something.
  • Mate dates! - Me and my girls are all single. We've decided we're going to date each other. Just the date part mind, nothing more so stop being rude.
  • Be more healthy - Doesn't really need an explanation. But do it. Again. No more excuses.
  • Work harder - I need to put more effort into my uni work. I do it, but just enough.
  • Get a job - Again, self-explanatory. 
  • Have fun and be more positive - I complain, a lot, about everything. That should stop.
  • Learn to do the splits and to do a proper strength-held handstand.
  • Go wall climbing and start the boxing training.
And first things first. I started the day having our usual Friday brekkie with a couple friends.
I've come home, done some laundry and washed some dishes. I'm writing this whilst catching up on a bit of TV and putting together a playlist for when I go for my run later. 
I will do some studying and send a couple of important emails. I will also wash all the bedding and air out the kids mattresses as they're staying out all weekend. 
I am determined to be as productive as I can be and stop wasting time. I've said it time and time again, but as Buddha apparently said:
"The trouble is, you think you have time."
Well the thing is, I'm running out of time now. I'm not saying I'm old, I know I'm not, but there are things going on in my life that if I don't get up and do something about them, then they are going to bring me down and I fear that I will never pull myself out of it.

I feel I've started well today. Each week, I'm going to write a list of things that I need to do and try and do one or two a day. It sounds a bit pathetic, but small steps will get me there and will let me keep going.
I need to keep going as I'm the only one that can do this.

Having said that, I shall go and get on with my productivity.

Happy New Year everyone x

Sunday, January 27, 2013

First measurements of the year

  • Bust - 36 inches
  • Waist - 32.5 inches
  • Hips - 38 inches
  • Thigh - 22 inches
  • Upper arm - 12 inches
  • Weight - 161 lbs 

Theres no point me saying that I'm not happy with this, because I think we all know by now that I'm not. I just need them written down so I know what I'm working with and where to go from here. There will be a photo post following because although I do not like the way it all looks, again, it'll be a starting point and having it out there tends to motivate me a bit more.
I'm still not well. Still coughing up a lot (sorry, tmi) which kind of hinders any exercise because I can't breathe properly and the coughing obviously stops me doing a lot.
I'm considering the doctors tomorrow to see if there is anything that they can do considering its been 4 weeks now and I haven't been 'well' at any point during that time.
This is karma for me being smug about not getting ill all last year methinks. That'll teach me.
I've decided that I'm going to be a bit of a recluse this week. I have things to do for myself, for my sanity, and for my general day to day life that I need to stop putting off and just get done. Little things that will make that day to day life feel easier and more organised, but I need to make the time to do it.
Considering that I can't really run or do any sorts of cardio at the minute, then this is probably an ideal time to get my shit together whilst I concentrate on getting better.
So that is this weeks plan. Exercise is being put to one side, just for a bit, while I pull my head out of the sand and fix the areas of my life that I have been ignoring for so long, that are probably a huge part of the reason why I feel so down and miserable and unmotivated lately.
I need to stop being scared and hiding, and find some confidence that will eke out at least a tiny bit of motivation. I know it's there somewhere, I just have to find it.
Because basically, I just can't live this way anymore.