Well hi there, and how are we?
Me? How very kind of you to ask. Well, I feel like crap as it happens. I've got the flu. No, not a bit of a cold, but the actual flu. With chills and aches and a distinct lack of a real voice. And a cough, oh the cough is the most annoying thing. I can't laugh, I can't sneeze, I can barely even fricking breathe without it irritating my throat and making me cough. Although it is helping me sound a bit like Jessica Rabbit when I speak.
And Muttley when I laugh, but swings and roundabouts ya know.
So yeah, I've been genuinely ill since the 27th December. I tried medicine, I tried rest. I tried ignoring it. Nothing worked. I even tried going out on New Years Eve, completely against all advice of people who knew me that I should've stayed in, and tried to kill it with alcohol, hero that I am. That didn't work either. I finally went to the doctors (I was forced, I wouldn't have gone of my own accord) who listened to my chest, looked at my throat and ears and swiftly diagnosed me with the flu and sent me on my way. I don't think I've ever been in and out of a doctors room so fast.
All I can do is wait until it runs its course and goes away.
I had all sorts of New Year New You (blah blah) plans. All of which I will be going ahead with, I'm just going to have to postpone them all until I feel better.
And now, for your viewing pleasure, I shall make a lovely list of the things that I plan on doing more of this year. Some of which I may even do, and not just talk about:
- Take more photos - I have planned (yet another) 365 project, when I feel better though.
- Drink less alcohol - There are so many other things that I could do instead.
- Eat better food - Cook more. Its not like I don't have the books there!
- Do more exercise - I can walk, run, skate. I should, while I can.
- Spend more quality time with my monsters - I complain a lot, about all the things I can't do with them, I should concentrate on doing the things that I can.
- Save up for a holiday - A girlie weekend away would be amazing.
- Save up for a holiday mk.2 - I would love to take my monsters away for a week camping or something.
- Mate dates! - Me and my girls are all single. We've decided we're going to date each other. Just the date part mind, nothing more so stop being rude.
- Be more healthy - Doesn't really need an explanation. But do it. Again. No more excuses.
- Work harder - I need to put more effort into my uni work. I do it, but just enough.
- Get a job - Again, self-explanatory.
- Have fun and be more positive - I complain, a lot, about everything. That should stop.
So yeah, just a few things that I've been thinking about doing.
Its all about improvement of life in general. A nod to the blog name change here, and the explanation of the word is right there, if you didn't know what it meant. I didn't.
Oh, and last one, I want to blog more. About everything. Text, video, photo blogs. All of it. I want my memories where I can't forget them, and that's what I'm going to try and do.
Sorry about that.
Enjoy. Or don't, obviously that's entirely up to you.